St. Patrick Church commissioned Ferdinand Stuflesser 1875 to carve and paint this stunning set of Stations of the Cross. The details of the carving and the color selection fit perfectly into their new church.
ST Ambrose Parish - Brunswick, Oh
In 2018, St Ambrose began construction to update their worship space. Along with stained glass modification and and pews, Henninger's supplied the church with new Stations of the Cross. The set of stations was cast in bronze by the Ferdinand Stuflesser 1875 Studio. The church selected 16" stations in traditional bronze finish, and were installed by the construction company.
st alphonsus liguori church - norwalk, Oh
St Alphonsus Liguori Church approached Henninger's in search of a new Stations of the Cross set. They selected a used set from Henninger's warehouse and asked if they could be modified. Henninger's artist made new wooden back boards for the stations. Each figure was freshly painted to fit the color scheme in the church. The stations were then installed in the church in the beginning of 2019.
ST Raphael Parish - Bay Village, Oh
When St Raphael Parish built their new worship space, Henninger's supplied the church with a "new" set of Stations of the Cross. They selected a used set of stations form Henninger's used inventory and asked if we could brighten them, to make them shiny and stand out more. Henninger's cleaned the stations and applied a coat of tongue oil to give them an almost mirror like finish. Since the stations they selected did not have any text or numbers on them, Henninger's created new text boxes for the stations. The plaques were made from wood, the letters and Roman numerals were sandblasted into the wood, and then painted gold. Upon completion the stations and plaques were hung on the exterior wall of the new church.
St Paul Parish - North Canton, OH
One of Henninger's first station painting jobs. Stations of the Cross that were repaired, sanded, primed and repainted for St Paul Church.