In some cases, marble sanctuary fixtures are not an option. Henninger's can add a faux finish to any existing piece or new piece to complement your current sanctuary style or theme. The following are some example of faux marble finishes that Henninger's has completed.
St Rocco CHURCH - Cleveland, Oh
St. Rocco's ambo came from the Diocese of Toledo. The wooden ambo was marbleized to match the other sanctuary items. Henninger's worked with Fr. Mayer on restoring the ambo, marbleizing, and installation of the ambo in it's new home at St. Rocco.
st Mary Star of The Sea Church - Jackson, MI
Design: Henninger's Inc.
Fabricator: Henninger's Inc.
Installer: Henninger's Inc.
Fabricator: Henninger's Inc.
Installer: Henninger's Inc.
St Mary Stars of the Sea Church contacted Henninger's inquiring about a new Altar of Sacrifice. To match the marble in the Sanctuary of the church, Henninger's constructed a new wooden altar and added a faux marble finish, with a marble top.
St Mary Church - Massilon, OH
St Mary Church purchased a baptismal font from Henninger's used church goods inventory. The font was then repainted to match marble that existed throughout the church.